Dr. Raj Kurup 

Dr. Raj Kurup FIEAust, CPEng, NER, Int.PE, GAICD is a multi-award winning CEO, board member and environmental engineer. Dr. Raj Kurup was named the 2021 National Professional Environmental Engineer, WA Professional Engineer of the year 2020, Water Professional of the Year 2017, One of Australia’s top 30 Innovative Engineers for 2017 and 2019, winner of the WA AWA research innovation award from 2017 to 2019, WA’s Best Engineer by WA Business News in 2003.

Topic : Sustainable Engineering

Dr. Ganapati Panda

Professor Ganapati Panda is currently workingas a Professor and Research Advisor at C V Raman Global University, Bhubaneswar, India. Professor Panda served as the Deputy Director, Dean (Academic Affairs) and Head, School of Electrical Sciences at Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar.

Topic : Fundamentals of Machine and Deep Learning Techniques and Applications

Dr. Brij N. Singh

Fellow IEEE, John Deere Electronics, USA

Dr. James Mathew Manimala

Dr. James M. Manimala is currently associate professor in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and faculty director of SSDL since 2014. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2004 from the University of Kerala, India and his MS and PhD degrees from the School of Aeronautics & Astronautics Engineering at Purdue University, Indiana in 2010 and 2014 respectively.

Dr. Nishant G Chemmangattuvalappil

Dr. Nishanth Chemmangattuvalappil is an Associated Professor of Chemical Engineering in the department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at University of Nottingham Malaysia. He received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from Auburn University, AL, USA (2010). He worked as a Post-doctoral fellow at University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA and later at Auburn University.

Dr. Vivek Balachandran

Associate Professor
Programme Leader (ICT Information Security)
Infocomm Technology Cluster
Singapore Institute of Technology
email: vivek.b@singaporetech.edu.sg
SIT@NYP Building, 172A Ang Mo Kio Avenue 8, Singapore 567739

Topic : Quantum computing: why you should care if the cat is dead?

Dr. Marcos Alonsa

Marcos Alonsa received the M. Sc. Degree and Ph. D. (with honors) both in electrical engineering, from the University of Oviedo, Spain, in 1990 and 1994 respectively. Since 2007, he is a full Professor at the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Oviedo, in Asturias, Spain

Dr. Angad Warang

Associate Professor at ESARQ, UIC Barcelona
Research Associate at Biodigital Architecture Master, iBAG,
UIC Barcelona (http://geneticarchitectures.weebly.com)
Email: angadwa@gmail.com

Dr. Naveen James (A.M.ASCE, LMIGS)

Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Ropar
Nangal Road, Rupnagar – 140001
Punjab, India

E-mail: naveen.james@iitrpr.ac.in

Ar. Sabu Francis

Graduated with honors from IIT Kharagpur,
Founder of Limen Leap Labs,
Developer of TAD, a BIM software

Email: sf@sabufrancis.com